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Science4Us and Gizmos Empower students through the 5E Instructional Model

Step into any science classroom, and you’ll find a teacher who works to inspire curiosity and scientific thinking. Bringing science to life while motivating students to question and investigate as they connect new and prior knowledge is the basis for every science class. That’s why ExploreLearning incorporates the 5E Model of Instruction in bothScience4UsandGizmos, making them powerful tools for effective STEM instruction.
What is the 5E Model?
The5E Model, developed in 1987 by Roger Bybee and a team at the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS), encourages active learning environments where students collaborate to solve problems and investigate new concepts. The 5E Instructional Model encourages students to question, observe, analyze, and draw conclusions. It’s aconstructivist modelwith prior knowledge as a bridge to comprehend and integrate new concepts.
“The 5E Model provides a structured system for students to experience multiple teaching strategies and approach a problem from a variety of angles,” notes Dr. Jordan Dickey, Executive Director of Student Service for Joplin Schools in Joplin, MO. “This model leads to a deeper understanding of the material so students can apply their knowledge to real-world issues!”
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are supported in the 5E Model. Decades of research with primary and secondary students from different socioeconomic backgrounds prove theeffectivenessof building conceptual understanding in science. Mix that withScience4Usand世界杯2022入围名单 , proven to deliver interactive, impactful learning experiences, and you have a recipe for successful science instruction.
What are the 5Es anyway?
The5E Modelasks students to ENGAGE, EXPLORE, EXPLAIN, ELABORATE, and EVALUATE as they investigate the foundations and principles of science. It’s aplanning toolfor inquiry teaching that provides a structure to connect students’ experiences with science concepts and apply that knowledge to new situations.
Using the 5E Model tocreate science lessonsbrings function and flexibility to class. While the plan seems to suggest a linear approach, repeating phases from each of the five sections is acceptable to ensure complete understanding and retention. Many teachers circle back to the evaluation piece throughout units, checking for misconceptions that need more time to marinade for accurate interpretation.Implementation is a piece of cake with Science4Us and Gizmos because cementing connections between new and prior knowledge through active participation in the 5E process is the emphasis.
Bring on the details!
Let’s break downeach phaseof the 5E Model.
When choosing any instructional model, teachers look for best practices with opportunities to personalize learning.Educators want engaging strategies to help students construct a rich understanding with full retention, making the 5E Model ideal for teaching science concepts. ExploreLearning brings it all to the table. Science4Us welcomes K-2 students into science blended with cross-curricular interactive lessons that build a solid foundation. Gizmos cater to students in grades 3-12 with in-depth, inquiry-based activities that create more moments to explore, discover, and apply new concepts.The right ingredients deliver real results from kindergarten all the way to graduation!
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